
3 IBA students win 'best of the best' award in HK

Friday, 13 July 2007

FE Report
Three second year students of the Institute of Business Administration of the Dhaka University have won 'the best of the best' award at the regional finals of HSBC's Young Entrepreneurs Awards (YEA) in Hong Kong.
The students -- Zeeshan Rahman, Joydeep Choudhury, and Baizeed Md Nur-- beat the winning teams from Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and Hong Kong presenting innovative business plan based on industrial waste management solutions to win the overall prize.
HSBC's (Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation) Dhaka office arranged a programme in the city Wednesday to introduce the winners and share their views with the local business community and media personnel.
However, the winning Bangladeshi team, which qualified to go to Hong Kong, will also get HK$100,000 as prize money.
During the programme, local HSBC conducted a workshop in writing business plan and presentation skill during the coarse of the YEA competition.