
37 more die, 1,666 infected

Overall detection rate reaches 19pc

FE Report | Thursday, 24 September 2020

A total of 37 people died of Covid-19 and 1,666 were detected positive with the coronavirus in the country in the 24-hour period till Wednesday morning.
With the new figures taken into account, the deadly virus claimed 5,044 lives and infected a total of 3,53,844 individuals so far.
The Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS), through a statement on Wednesday, said some 14,150 tests were conducted and 13,977 samples were collected in the reporting period.
Bangladesh conducted 18,62,637 tests since this February to detect positive cases.
In the last 24-hour period detection rate was 11.77 per cent, and overall rate was 19.00 per cent.
Current fatality rate is 1.43 per cent, while recovery rate is 74.31 per cent, the DGHS said.
So far, 2,62,953 people recovered from the viral disease that was first detected in Bangladesh on March 8.
The DGHS statement also said currently 102 laboratories across the country are conducting Covid-19 tests.
Though number of new cases has been showing a downward trend in the recent days, fatality rate is still high.
In the 24-hour period on Tuesday, 28 people died and 1,557 people were tested positive. According to data available with the information portal Worldometer, Bangladesh is currently 15th hardest hit nation in the world in terms of the total number of cases.
Bangladesh is third worst-affected nation in Asia after India and Iran with the total cases of 5,650,540 and 432,798 respectively.
Over 0.97 million died of the viral disease that broke out from China and infected at least 31.81 million people across the globe since last December.

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