
Fears for the future

83pc univ students show frustrations

FE REPORT | Saturday, 8 June 2024

A staggering 79.9 per cent of university students are undergoing symptoms of frustration, with career uncertainty or fear of unemployment as key causes, revealed a survey report on Friday.
The rate is higher among public university students with 83.4 per cent, private university with 79.9 per cent and National University with 61.3 per cent.
Of the total students surveyed in 88 universities, 55-per cent students said they were worried about their future career.
The dark picture of the nation's bright youth was disclosed at a news conference hosted by the Aachol Foundation.
The survey, styled 'Reasons for deterioration of mental health of students in university life', was carried out from 15 February 2024 to 30 May 2024.
Prof Kamal Uddin Ahmed Chowdhury of clinical psychology department at Dhaka University, senior lecturer Obydullah Al Marjuk of Independent University and Abdullah Al Harun, project manager, Mental Health Project at ADD International, and Tansen Rose, founder and president of Aachol Foundation, spoke at the event.

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