
97pc dwellers sans birth registration in BCC

Thursday, 12 July 2007

BARISAL, July 11 (UNB): Ninety seven per cent of about four lakh dwellers of Barisal City Corporation (BCC) have no birth registration certificate.
Birth registration annou-nced as mandatory for every citizen in December 2004 and an act in this connection came into force since July 3, 2006.
The act declared birth registration certificate compulsory for issuing passport, driving license, marriage and land ownership registration, admission into educational institution, application for employment, voter enrolment and other works.
However, Jahangir Mollah, health and sanitary inspector and in charge of birth registration of BCC, said free birth registration forms approved by the concerned authority as per law is yet to reach his office.
BCC sources said its areas expanded from 25 square kilometres to 45 square kilometres in 2001 and number of inhabitants was 3.97 lakh during the census of 2006.
But only 12,100 (3.0 per cent) dwellers registered their birth with BCC birth registration office till Tuesday.
Abul Hossain, a schoolteacher, Mannan Mia, rickshaw- puller, Salam Mia, grocery shop owner Rashid Hossain, vegetable hawker and others said they are not aware of the necessity, process and result of birth registration.