
A heinous crime that cripples the nation

Rafiqul Islam | Monday, 30 December 2013

There is no denying the fact that food is the vital source of energy to sustain life on earth. Therefore, it is essential for every human being to take pure foods. But most of the food items we take everyday are far from pure and safe. Access to pure food is one of the constitutional rights of every citizen. Presently, there is an acute scarcity of safe food for human consumption in our country.
The foods which we generally take in our everyday life are either adulterated by a section of unscrupulous businessmen or chemically treated which expose public health to serious hazards.
Many diseases and physical disorders are common phenomenon among the citizenry due to consumption of adulterated foods.
Press reports have it that a group of dishonest businessmen in connivance with corrupt law enforcers markets adulterated edible oil, ghee, powdered milk, and spices like turmeric, ginger and pepper across the country to mint money within a short time. They do not think of the serious impact of these adulterated food items on the health of the common man. After consumption of these adulterated foods people suffer from various ailments even from cancer. Thus these dishonest businessmen are trading on human lives.
Speakers at a seminar on food safety and public health recently expressed their grave concern over the adulteration of food in the country. They blamed the unprotected border, corrupt trading practices and unholy alliance of businessmen with a section of dishonest govt officials and law enforcers for their malpractice. They also held degradation of moral values and greed of a particular segment of people responsible for this situation.
These people are ruining the nation through their misdeeds for their personal gains, they added.
For example, the vegetables that we consume almost everyday are chemically treated so that these offer a fresh look to attract buyers. In addition it can be preserved for a longer period of time. Most people, knowingly or unknowingly, buy those risking health hazards. These harmful chemicals used in various food items induce many diseases endangering the lives of innocent people.
Various dry foods like biscuits, chocolates, sweetmeat, Jilapi are coloured using harmful dye used in textile mills and tanneries. The textile mills and tanneries import these dyes legally for use in their factories. But how these chemicals reach the small food manufacturing units? It is not known to us. It is learnt that the factory owners import these chemicals in bulk to sell those to food manufacturing units illegally at higher prices. The food manufacturers use the dyes to make their products attractive thus endangering the health of common people.
The government has no control over the buying and selling of harmful chemicals and dishonest business people in connivance with corrupt lawmen are engaged in this unholy practice.
The more hair raising episode is that DDT powder, a most dangerous and harmful substance which is banned all over the world for its harmful effect, is used in dryfish largely consumed in rural areas for its preservation. There is no authority to monitor it. Nobody knows how this dangerous substance enters the country.
Formalin a chemical which is mainly used by research organisations and medical colleges and hospitals to preserve corpses and other biological specimens are now being used in fishes and fruits to keep those fresh and preserve for a long period. People consume these fishes without knowing its harmful effect on human body. It is also not understood how this chemical reaches the fish traders and fruit sellers.
Fruits like banana, apple, grapes, papaya, mango etc. are chemically treated for ripening and their long time preservation. It is learnt that mango is chemically treated during budding time on the trees for early maturity by the garden owners to make a quick buck.
If this situation continues, and the dishonest traders and law enforcers are given a free hand, the nation is sure to face a man-made catastrophe.
Milk, an ideal and most essential food for children and old people is also adulterated. Recently a private TV channel ran a story on how artificial milk is manufactured using various chemicals and flavour. The culprits in a northern district used to sell manufactured milk to the consumers in the name of cow milk. When their heinous act came to light they revealed that they were not selling cow milk rather chemically prepared milk cheating and harming the local people, especially the children.
There is no central authority to monitor the import and use of various chemicals in the country and there is no coordination among the prime users. That's why these chemicals are used freely harming the people.
Harmful chemicals meant for research work in laboratories and other organisations reach the dishonest businessmen and uneducated traders who use those in various food items out of ignorance for personal benefit.
There is a government agency named directorate of national consumers' rights protection (DNCRP) to monitor adulteration of food and cheating by the businessmen.
On some occasions like the holy Ramadan the department conducts drives by mobile courts to bring the culprits to book. But due to shortage of manpower the department cannot monitor the market properly and take action against the wrongdoers, according to press reports.
There are some laws and ordinances in the country to contain adulteration but those are obsolete and inadequate to handle the situation. Proper food testing laboratory facilities are also absent. On occasions, Consumers Association of Bangladesh (CAB) conducts tests on food items and reveal the results to the consumers through newspapers, seminars and symposia to make the people aware of the adulteration. The government should formulate strict laws to contain food adulteration and ensure safe food for the citizens.
People irrespective of cast and creed, social workers and civil society members must also come forward and help the government agencies to save the nation from the hands of the greedy, dishonest businessmen who are trading on human lives by adulterating foods for their personal ends.
The writer is News Consultant at the FE.
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