
A patient listener in class enjoys many benefits

Sunday, 1 July 2007

M A Islam
IT is important that students attentively listen to what their teachers say. By doing so, they can probably better understand the lessons. They can be more interested on the topic and this will encourage them to study on their own once they go back home or dormitories. Obviously, the better idea they will get in the class on the topics will help them respond to any type of critical questions in the final examinations.
If students are not attentive and regular in the class, they can easily be deviated from the mainstream of studies.
Studying on what the teacher is going to lecture beforehand always helps. This will make you interested on the topic. Spending considerable amount of time makes it all the easier for you to concentrate on the same topic being discussed in the class. In order to know what topics would be covered in the next class, you can always note the trend of teaching or ask your teacher
You must be there in the class a short while before it starts. This will help you to mentally and physically settle down in the room and you will be better prepared for the class. There is a proverb: being present somewhere 3 hours before is better than being present 3 minutes later. If you are late and just miss a single word or a single sentence of the teacher, you may feel bad for the entire period of the class and you may lose the track.
Forget anything irrelevant even before you enter the class. Remove all other thoughts. Keep your brain completely free for understanding the lecture. At the time of discussion, if still worries or 'tasks to do' come to your mind, you can quickly note them down somewhere convenient for you and then concentrate again on the lecture.
You must carefully listen to the points emphasized by the teacher. If you do not understand something, raise your hand. When the teacher will allow, ask.
Your duties are not over even after the teacher leaves the classroom. Ponder over the lecture for at least 5 minutes after the class ends. See the notes. Try to recap. Then give a autosuggestion "I will be able to remember every important part of the lecture whenever I will need". Your eyes should preferably be closed when you give autosuggestion to yourself.
Never encourage procrastination. Never in the classroom think that 'I will learn this later, I don't need to concentrate now'. Life is too short. We rarely have time in life to do the same task twice.
When you are attentive in the class, you will see your many lessons have been covered in the classroom. When examinations will knock, you will be one of those least worried about the exam-battle.
Of course, being an attentive listener in the class will help you become attentive listener as well in the working areas of your life and you will soon enjoy the multiple benefits.