

A tapestry of life as was in late 20th century

Shahidul Islam | Saturday, 30 March 2024

This is a memoir of the author's life covering the later part of twentieth century as he grew up, from being a student to engagement in business in various roles from executive to consultant to retirement as Professor at the IBA. Written in a very intimate style it is a rich tapestry of life during the period.
Divided in four sections, the first section talks about the rise of business affecting life in many ways beginning with the rise of business education as a preferred course of studies at the university. Business rose as enterprises creating better conveniences for life that in turn brought in changes in the lifestyle. These changes are detailed in an intimate style through experiences of the author as he worked in organizations 'across time zones'.
The second section includes many anecdotes such as the author almost turning a vegan. The account of human elevation into asset from being 'a pair of hands' is nicely chronicled.
The third section is about the effect of technology on life in general. The rise of computers is remembered as it entered peoples' lives turning home into office. He recounts the evolution of science fictions from the wild dreams of early writers such as HG Wells and Arthur Clarke. The later generation of writers such as Douglas Adams have taken these elements of imagination into almost absurdity and yet seemingly possible. Difference is the time elapse of almost a century culminating in the journey of voyager to the infinity.
The last section, termed Reflections, begins with the author's obsession in a mathematical riddle that was so simple and yet not solvable until the end of the century. Crossing the boundary of the millennium is recollected beginning with the millennium bug, as the problem at the time was fondly termed. These are reflected along with the journey of AI towards conquering the world. These are now elements of courses that he teaches at the university. The aim is to prepare the young minds for challenges of the new millennium that may not follow a known trajectory. That is Change Management. An interesting book written in an intimate style it will be of interest to professionals as well as general readers. The book, though short, is insightful. It is an easy read.

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