
Adopting summertime eating habit

NOWSHABA ACHAL | Wednesday, 8 May 2024

This summer has brought unprecedented heat across the nation. Persistent heat waves and humidity define this time of year and various temperature-related diseases. Hence, maintaining a balanced diet and lifestyle becomes essential. We must adopt a diet emphasising freshness, hydration, and nutritional balance, as digestive problems are the last thing we want in this miserable weather.
Eating fresh can help us stay energised, hydrated, and vibrant during the heatwaves. As much as possible, seasonal fruits like watermelon, papaya, pineapple, and mango are recommended. Besides, some hydrating fruits, such as coconut water, sugarcane, oranges, lemons, apples, bananas, etc., must be included in our diet. They are hydrating and packed with vitamins and minerals that restore electrolytes lost through sweating.
Vegetables are also a good source of essential nutrients needed in the summer. Eat a lot of cucumber, tomato, gourd, pointed gourd, pumpkin, zucchini, leafy greens like coriander, mint, spinach, red spinach, and many more. Develop the habit of eating vegetable and fruit salads instead of random snacks. Use yoghurt as a salad dressing. Yoghurt keeps the stomach cool. Try to make yoghurt snacks like raita, doi chira, overnight oats with yoghurt, etc.
The regular meal should be prepared with less oil, spice, seasoning and masala. Choose lean proteins like lentils and chickpeas or chicken or fish. These protein sources offer vital amino acids while being easier on the stomach. A variety of fish can be eaten. The food should remain more basic and less spicy. Lentils can be incorporated into every meal.
You can drink herbal teas, hot or cold, such as ginger, hibiscus, chamomile, or peppermint. In addition to being hydrated, herbal teas may offer a calming and reviving drink alternative without caffeine.
Drink a lot of water. Homemade beverages like watermelon juice, lemonade, and yoghurt-based drinks like labang, lassi, matcha, and green mango juice can be incorporated into your regular meals. These drinks are refreshing and hydrating yet wholesome for this summertime.
Nevertheless, one can preserve energy levels, keep hydrated, and promote overall health by avoiding heavy, processed, and sugary meals. Heavy, greasy, rich food like biriyani, teheri, polao, roast, korma, and rezala should be avoided. Try to adopt light cooking methods like boiling, steaming, grilling and baking instead of deep frying. The food prepared with excessive masala, oil and spice can lead to discomfort and laziness in the heat. Opt for mild cooking preparation with fewer spices. Avoid eating outside, cut down on fast foods and eat homemade food as much as possible. Reduce eating red meat like beef, mutton, and lamb, which elevates discomfort and blood pressure; rather, eat white meat like chicken, fish and lots of vegetables,
It might be tempting to seek carbonated drinks or sugary sodas to relieve thirst, but this can cause more dehydration and unnecessary calories. Instead, go for simple water or natural fruit juices. Besides, it may be appealing to indulge in too many caffeinated drinks during the summer; they can dehydrate the body. Reduce the amount of coffee or tea.
Check your consumption of sugary snacks and sweets like cakes, candies, traditional sweets, and pastries. Limit your daily consumption of items high in sodium, such as canned soups, processed meats, and salty snacks. Consuming too much salt can result in bloating, water retention, and increased blood pressure.
Remember, the heatwave and hot and humid weather are far from over; they will be back soon after some days. A controlled diet is your best friend for staying fit during months-long heatwaves.

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