
Adulteration of food

Thursday, 17 May 2018

FOOD is essential for survival of every living being on the earth. It contains nourishing and nutritive components such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals and vitamins, which sustains life, generates energy, and provides growth. Adulterated food can have reverse effect and prove deadly for the consumers. In our country, adulteration is common in almost all food items at both growers' and distributors' levels. Chemicals and other poisonous elements are used indiscriminately in almost all the food items. It is not that those who resort to adulterate food items are unaware of the consequences the consumers are facing, but they are always profit-driven. Although there are specific laws to protect food items from being adulterated and uphold the consumers' rights for pure and unmixed food items, the laws are not properly enforced in reality. As a result, food adulteration has been increasing exposing the consumers to further risks. It is, therefore, imperative that those involved in such heinous activities should be punished according to the law of the land. We need to ensure safer food for ourselves as well as our future generation.
Muhammad Al Amin
[email protected]