
African great booter Eto'o retires

Monday, 9 September 2019

PARIS, Sept 08 (AFP): Cameroon's four-time African Player of the Year Samuel Eto'o announced his retirement on Saturday at the age of 38, declaring "I need a rest".
"The end, towards a new challenge," the former Barcelona, Inter Milan and Chelsea striker posted on Instagram.
"Thank you all, big love, adrenalin."
"In a few months you'll see me doing something new," Eto'o, who has campaigned relentlessly against racism during his playing days, later said on the margins of an economic forum in DR Congo.
He stands alongside Liberia's current president George Weah and Ivory Coast's Didier Drogba as a great of African sport, and cuts a mythical figure in his homeland where he is close to national president Paul Biya.
He is slated for a major role in the Confederation of African Football where he has vowed to fight corruption to ensure funds go into infrastructure.