
After fleeing fighting in Marib, displaced Yemenis await help

Saturday, 23 October 2021

MARIB, Oct 22 (Reuters): Iman Saleh Ali and her family left al-Jubah in the dead of night with only the clothes on their back to escape fighting between government forces and their Houthi foes, the second time they have been forced to do so in the battle for Yemen's Marib.
With no means to afford accommodation, they now wait for assistance, huddled with 25 other families in a make-shift camp in Wadi Abida, east of Marib City, which is already home to hundreds of thousands of displaced Yemenis.
"We took nothing with us, not even a blanket. Just people escaping," said the woman in her 50s. "We need beds, warm tents ... until God answers our prayers and we can settle down."In the camp they have erected around the homes of relatives, young boys and girls help tighten the ropes of a tent as women collect twigs to cook meals. Children drink water from a shared metal bowl as flies swarm.
The United Nations says some 10,000 people were displaced last month alone by the fighting in Marib governorate, the internationally recognised government's last northern stronghold. It is calling for a humanitarian corridor for aid.