
Letters to the Editor

Alarming rise in robbery

Saturday, 22 June 2024

Robbery has sadly become a frequent occurrence. Recently, reports revealed that a gang has robbed, stolen, and kidnapped over a thousand people across the country, including the capital. Despite some of their names being on police registers, these criminals operate openly, with the incidence of robbery showing no signs of abating. This raises questions about the effectiveness of law enforcement in addressing this crime.
Several gangs such as the Malam Party target passengers by temporarily blinding them with ointment. There are also groups that operate on buses, launches, and trains, as well as "handshake parties" that initially appear friendly but later rob their victims at knife or gunpoint.
Mugging occurs in various ways, such as when two men on a rickshaw surround a lone passenger forcing him/her to hand over belonging. Victims, including both prominent citizens and ordinary people, face not only financial losses but also risks to their safety.
Police reports indicate that over six thousand individuals are involved in robbery and mugging in Dhaka, with 1,737 specifically engaged in robbery. Incidents are prevalent in areas like Badda, Mirpur, Shahbagh etc. Many cases remain unsolved for years, with a significant proportion of robbers evading prosecution.
Analysts attribute the low prosecution rates partly to challenges in securing witnesses and deficiencies in using technology for investigations. The authorities must increase vigil during festivals like Eid. Combatting this crime requires proactive policing, including the formation of dedicated teams and enhanced surveillance, to swiftly apprehend perpetrators and ensure legal action.
Public vigilance is also crucial to curbing robbery. Their cooperation with law enforcement efforts can be of help.

Sakibul Hasan
Department Of Sociology At
Dhaka College, Dhaka
[email protected]