
Amid frustrations and hopes

Sunday, 30 August 2020

Bangladesh, like any other nation, is waiting anxiously to see a coronavirus vaccine is developed soon. However, despite all efforts by over a dozen nations, it would not be easy to produce and distribute adequate quantity of vaccines for billions of people. So, the poorer nations are at higher risks of suffering for longer times in health hazards coupled with economic uncertainties.
Thankfully, Bangladesh has started phase-III trial of Covid-19 vaccine developed by China's Sinovac. The International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b) has been given permission in this regard. India has also assured Bangladesh recently that Dhaka would get priority in receiving the vaccine. New Delhi is working on, in collaboration with Oxford University.
Life cannot be normal until people are free from the fear of infection. In Bangladesh, some are coming out in large numbers to meet their desperate economic needs but they are also concerned about their safety. Those who are mostly staying home have also become depressed to some extent. Therefore, a vaccine can give more relief to countries like Bangladesh.
Atiqul Haque
Badda, Dhaka
[email protected]