
Letters to the Editor

Appeal for five-day Eid vacation

Saturday, 4 May 2024

Bangladesh is undoubtedly an overpopulated country. Once, a large portion of the population was engaged in cultivation and farming in the countryside. However, now people have the option to choose their professions, and they are not confined to agriculture. With the emergence of factories and production-related industries across the country, many are opting for jobs in these sectors, which is undoubtedly a positive development. This shift is leading to an increase in marginal productivity.
Additionally, Bangladesh is a predominantly Muslim country. Each year, we celebrate two major religious festivals: Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha. During these festivals, city dwellers eagerly travel to the countryside to reunite with friends and family. However, a significant challenge arises due to the limited duration of the holiday. The current three-day holiday period makes it difficult for people to travel to rural areas. Scarcity of transportation options, narrow roads leading to massive traffic congestion, and the resulting suffering of commuters, especially women and children, are common.
Tragically, road accidents and fatalities frequently happen, particularly during the rush before Eid. Extending the Eid vacation to 5 days instead of 3 would take the pressure off. With a longer holiday period, people would not face the pressure of last-minute travel arrangements. They would have ample time to travel safely and comfortably, without the risk of encountering overcrowded roads and transportation bottlenecks.
Therefore, we urge the authorities concerned to consider this matter seriously and approve a 5-day Eid holiday for the masses. This extension would ensure a safer and more convenient journey for everyone during this joyous occasion.

Md. Muradul Haque Sardar
Manager - Purchase (Local & Foreign)
Amanat Shah Group, Motijheel, Dhaka
[email protected]