
Are you aware of your personality traits?

ZANJABIL MASHKURA | Wednesday, 14 February 2024

Our personality is the mirror of our beliefs. The way we express ourselves is the reflection of our personality. Complex combinations of different traits make personalities so unique for each individual. However, troubling personality traits negatively impact our work life, relationships, and overall social functioning.
A strong personality is more attractive than beauty or outer looks. People love the aura so much that it can change society or create a revolution. However, no personality is entirely flawless. A weak personality can be harmful in maintaining a social life as well as in a personal life since it often leads to self-harm and overestimation of one's capability. We are often blind to our personality disorders. Our expression seems natural until someone calls us out for questionable behaviour. When someone corrects our behaviour, we become defensive and blame others for our actions.
Let us discuss some of the most dramatic, unpredictable, emotionally imbalanced personality traits we notice the most in this generation and see how many matches within ourselves.
Borderline personality disorder: People suffering from BPD have a strong fear of being left alone or abandoned. There is a constant feeling of emptiness within. Mood swings and anger issues are more common. They act impulsively. They get stressed easily when interacting with others. Their relationship with others comes up as unstable and hypersensitive as they have no clear sense of identity and what they expect from life.
Histrionic personality disorder: Attention seekers and excessively emotional. They like to stir up any information in a dramatic tone. Others can easily influence them. They like to cover up for their low self-esteem by putting much effort into their physical appearance. Their self-worth lies in people's opinions.
Narcissistic personality disorder: People with a narcissistic nature believe they are the chosen ones and deserve more importance than others. They are obsessed with stardom, powerful position, and success. They boast about their achievements and expect to be admired by everyone else. People like this are least bothered with the opinions of others and barely value them.
Antisocial personality disorder: People with ASPD do not validate or concern others' needs or feelings. They can lie, steal, or violate the rights of others just to get things done. They are unbothered by safety and behave impulsively. Aggression, violence, and recklessness are major signs of this personality disorder.
Now, let us talk about the disorders related to anxiety.
Avoidant personality disorder: Fears rejection and is highly sensitive to criticism. Has very low self-esteem in terms of looks and importance. They are extremely shy and thus tend to avoid activities that require social functioning. Isolation is their utmost comfort zone. They avoid trying new activities that require meeting new people.
Dependent personality disorder: Does not have the capability to make decisions independently. Always wants to be pampered by others. They appear to be unconfident, submissive, and clingy. They do not have strong opinions for themselves, and thus, it is hard for them to disagree with others; fear of disapproval leads them to endure poor treatment or abuse.
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder: Focuses too much on details and panics until they can reach perfection. Often freaks out in the middle of a project and leaves it undone since attaining perfection seems impossible sometimes. They like to take charge of people, situations, and projects and cannot rely on others. They refuse to get rid of the unnecessary scattered objects, hoping to make something new out of them. They are rigid and stubborn.
Personality disorder related to suspicious behaviour is of three kinds:
Paranoid personality disorder: Lack of trust leads to becoming suspicious of others and thus feeling insecure and acting on an overprotective measure. Paranoia leads to anger or hostility at the slightest smell of betrayal or being used. People with such disorders often tend to make a big fuss out of small matters and tend to hold grudges.
Schizoid personality disorder: Some people are indifferent to anything and everything. They choose to enjoy their company, which is great until social life comes, and they appear unbothered and cold. Their emotional expression is limited.
Schizotypal personality disorder: Their way of feeling or thinking is strange and unusual. Their emotional responses are abnormal, and they suffer from social anxiety. People like this believe that they are special and have secret knowledge hidden from others. For instance, they claim to hear voices or see things. Their strange traits create discomfort within the closed ones and reduce the capacity for better socialization.
Personality forms early in life in touch with family and friends. The role of parents is the most crucial as kids tend to catch up to their parent's temperament. Often, when a troubling personality trait comes to light, the research reveals that the same issue runs in the family. If parents are overprotective and always try to keep their children away from harm, it can create personality disorders.
The surroundings shape and impact personality, including the extended family, friends, schools, and other significant institutions. Cultural factors may also play a role in the development of personality disorders. Early life experiences, such as an unstable home environment, physical or emotional damage, or sexual abuse, impact personality growth negatively.
Humans are adaptive, and our characteristic traits shift with the changes in the environment. The will to stay alive and function as a social being may decrease if we do not acknowledge and treat our problems.
If you have a hard time managing anger or trusting and communicating with others, do give yourself a check. Consider taking therapy or seeking professional help in case of severe temperament issues. However, you must try to open up to your loved ones first. Often, good company and healthy communication soothe the troubling traits.

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