
Asian economy faces only mild slowdown, IMF official says

Friday, 9 November 2007

SEOUL, Nov 8 (AFP): Asian economies have weathered the US subprime mortgage crisis well and will experience only a mild slowdown next year, a senior International Monetary Fund official said today.
But any sharp US slowdown would have a significant effect on the region, especially if other industrial countries followed suit, said Jerald Schiff, the IMF's assistant director for the Asia-Pacific.
"Like the region as a whole, Korea weathered very well the crisis in the summer," Schiff said in a speech on the economic outlook for South Korea and the region.
Schiff said the outlook for Asia remains positive next year, "although global developments have increased significantly the downside risks."
He said the IMF projects a mild slowdown in Asia in 2008 and a moderate slowdown globally but "there is a sizeable risk of a US recession and a sharper global slowdown."
This would most likely be triggered by extended weakness in the US housing market, spreading to lower consumption and investment and higher unemployment.
The US housing market showed few signs so far of recovery.
Schiff noted that Asia remains quite dependent on trade with the US and the European Union. But many regional countries including Korea had scope to loosen monetary policy, although further oil price rises would complicate policy.
The IMF executive said Korea's outlook largely mirrors that of the region. "US domestic demand growth and Korean export growth is very strongly correlated."
A one percentage point fall in the US growth rate could lead to a decline in Korea of a quarter to half a per cent, he said, predicting Korean growth of 4.6 per cent in 2008 compared to about 4.8 per cent tipped for this year.
"In addition, while Korea escaped largely unscathed from the summer turmoil, further global financial volatility could have a longer-lasting impact, e.g. via business and consumer confidence," he noted.
South Korea also faces several country-specific risks, Schiff said, citing the rapidly ageing population and high household debt.
Next year, and especially in 2009, many mortgage payments would rise sharply with the lapsing of grace periods. "This could impact (on) consumption and economic growth for the next several years."
In the longer run the "quite dramatic" ageing of society would erode the low-wage manufacturing base. Raising the service sector's productivity was crucial through liberalisation and opening it to competition.
The National Statistical Office in July forecast that South Korea would have the world's most aged society by 2050 if the current trend of fewer births continued.
However, figures released the following month showed that the number of births increased in 2006 for the first time in six years, slightly easing concerns.
Despite such problems, "Korea's impressive economic history gives confidence that these challenges will be successfully addressed," Schiff said.