
Austria unveils COVID-19 traffic light

Monday, 7 September 2020

VIENNA, Sept 06 (Xinhua): The COVID-19 "traffic light" system has officially started operation in Austria, the government announced on Friday.
Due to the consistently high number of new infections, Austria's three large cities -- Vienna, Linz and Graz -- as well as the Tyrolean district of Kufstein light up in "yellow" (medium risk), while the rest of the country is designated "green" (low risk), according to a press conference held by Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and other government officials.
In the "yellow" regions, the mask requirement in schools, in retail, in gastronomy as well as at events will be tightened, said Kurz.
He also noted the "traffic light" will be evaluated weekly and it is important that there are regional measures.
There are currently neither "orange" (high risk) nor "red" (acute situation) zones in the country.
For Health Minister Rudolf Anschober, the aim of the "traffic light" system is also prevention. It is important not only to react, but also to take precautions, he said.