
Azizur Rahman appointed AMD of City Bank

FE DESK | Tuesday, 21 May 2024

City Bank has announced the appointment of Kazi Azizur Rahman as its additional managing director (AMD). Prior to this promotion, Mr Rahman previously served as deputy managing director and chief information officer at the bank, according to a press statement.
Mr Rahman joined City Bank in 2007 as executive vice president and has been a key member of the leadership team. He held the position of deputy managing director and chief information officer until 2019. After a short period at Meghna Bank, he returned to City Bank in 2021.
A foundational member of the bank's 'transformation team' since 2007, Mr Rahman has played an instrumental role in propelling City Bank to its current standing. His contributions include leading the bank's transition to fully online operations and spearheading its digital journey with the launch of Citytouch in 2013, a platform widely recognised as the country's premier internet banking service.
With 34 years of experience in the technology sector, Mr Rahman began his career at Grabowsky & Poort B.V. in the Netherlands. He has since worked across various industries, including multinational healthcare corporations and financial institutions. He is currently focused on advancing City Bank's growth as a leading digitally advanced institution.
Mr Rahman holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering, specialising in Electronics and Communication, from Newport University, India.
He has also participated in numerous international training programmes.