
Bangabandhu Lekhok-Sangbadik Forum gives memo to British PM

Saturday, 3 August 2024

A delegation of Bangabandhu Lekhok-Sangbadik Forum in the United Kingdom (UK) gave a memorandum on the recent mayhem in Bangladesh to British Prime Minister (PM) Keir Starmer on Thursday, reports BSS.
An official on behalf of the British Premier received the memorandum at his official residence at 10 Downing Street in London.
The six-member delegation of the forum included its president Journalist Abdul Kadir Chowdhury Murad, vice-president Batirul Huq Sarder, general secretary Shah Mustafizur Rahman Belal, joint general secretary Abdul Basir and member Atiar Rasul Kiton.
Capitalising on the recent quota reform agitation by the students in Bangladesh, a group of anti-liberation forces like Jamaat-e-Islami, a recently banned pro-Islamic political outfit, along with anti-government outfit BNP had destroyed government establishments, assassinated members of the law enforcing agencies and created a dreadful situation across the country through carrying out destructive activities, according to the memorandum.