
Bangladesh global pioneer in coastal afforestation: PM

83.8m saplings to be planted during this monsoon

Thursday, 6 June 2024

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Wednesday said Bangladesh is one of the pioneers in the world in terms of coastal afforestation, reports UNB.
"In the world, Bangladesh is one of the pioneers in coastal afforestation. As of now, the afforestation has been created in some 261,570 hectares in the coastal areas. We've created a green belt of 89,853 hectares since 2009," she said.
The premier was addressing a programme arranged in the city's Bangabandhu International Conference Centre (BICC) to mark the World Environment Day-2024.
In the function, she also opened the Environment Fair-2024, the National Campaign for Tree Plantation and the Tree Fair-2024.
With the theme "land restoration, stopping desertification and building drought resilience," this year the World Environment Day 2024 is being observed throughout the world under the slogan "Our land. Our future. We are #GenerationRestoration."
The prime minister urged all to plant trees in every possible place and make rooftop gardening to gain financially, relief from temperature and thus protect the environment.
The prime minister inaugurated the Tree Plantation Campaign by planting two saplings - Palash and Bel (wood apple) trees with the theme of "'Decorate the country with trees, enrich Bangladesh" (Brikkha Diye Sajai Desh, Samriddhi Kori Bangladesh).
She said her government's goal is to protect the country, its people from natural disasters and save nature.
"Some 83.8 million saplings will be planted during this monsoon season. We've taken such a step," she said.
She said research continues to develop submergence-tolerant varieties of rice in a bid to sustain food security.
"We're conducting research for the development of submergence-tolerant varieties of rice. The 1998 flood lasted a long time in our country. The country had never witnessed such a long lasting flood before. So, we want the paddy to survive under the water for a longer period," she said.