
Bangladeshi firm gets awards at Cannes

Sunday, 7 July 2019

Mostly known for its international film festival, Cannes also hosts the world's most prestigious advertising festival every year.
The festival, known as the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, celebrates creative efficiency and problem solving in global advertising arena, according to a press statement.
Every year over 30,000 entries are submitted from more than 89 countries to 27 specialised categories.
The entries then go through a rigorous screening process by some of the greatest creative minds for a chance to take home prestigious Cannes Lions awards.
This year, three wins were bagged by Bangladesh, two silvers, one bronze and five shortlists.
The winning entry - UCB AgroBanking powered by Shwapno was submitted by Grey Dhaka, the only Bangladeshi agency to win at Cannes.
The project revolves around small farmers who sometimes end up growing more than they need, this excess amount is often wasted or sold to middlemen at low prices.
Through AgroBanking, the produce is bought by Shwapno at fair prices and shipped to its various outlets across the country.
While the money is directly deposited into farmers' UCB Ucash accounts.