
BB helping more women to take up banking career

Munima Sultana | Tuesday, 8 March 2016

No doubt, like other central banks of the world, the Bangladesh Bank (BB) does have the traditional mandates to work on the monetary policy with a primary goal of maintaining sustainable economic growth of the country. It, however, does have an additional responsibility with regard to maintaining gender equality as far as recruitment of officials and employees in the country's financial sector is concerned.
The central bank's focus on gender issues has already brought a significant number of women employees within its own fold, thus, helping the creation of a pro-women environment in banking sector. Some 1069 female officials and employees are now working in 58 departments of the central bank, taking up the challenges simultaneously with their male counterparts. They are now successfully working in different departments and sections of the central bank.
The BB claims about the creation of an environment friendly to women as they monitor implementation of gender policy not only within itself but also in other public and private banks and financial institutions (FIs).
According to Bangladesh Bank, women recruitment in its various departments has increased at a rate of 18 per cent. Their presence is visible from entry points up to the policy making level.
The data shows that women recruitment in 2012 was six per cent which jumped to 18.12 per cent last year. In 2013, 16.3 per cent women got the central bank's job followed by 18.07 in 2014.
At present, 22 per cent of the BB staff members are female.
Still the BB has long way to go to ensure gender equality.
Now having the first ever female deputy governor, the central bank is yet to get a female governor. Only one executive director post is held by a female against the total 18 posts. Ten female general managers are working among total 74 posts. The bank has 48 female deputy general managers out of the total 324 posts for the same. 141 out of 935 posts of joint director are held by females. The number in the case of deputy directors is 312 out of 1604 posts. At present there are 311 female assistant directors against 1200 posts. As officers, only 12 women are working against 101 males.
Data shows that the rate of dropout among the female employees from entry level to upper level is significant.
Female BB officials, however, shared their views with the FE saying that the central bank provides various kinds of support to them in line with its 'gender policy' and they were more or less in a better position. It has a big day care centre for children.  
They get six months' maternity leave as per the government rule.
"As women we are not subjected to any kind of discrimination" said a female official preferring not to be named as she needs permission to talk with the newsmen.
The gender policy of the central bank ensures the working time of female not beyond 6pm other than any genuine cause. Besides, it provides transport facilities along with training support.  
Deputy governor Nazneen Sultana is now the focal point to lodge complaint of harassment, if there is any, by the female employees. Governor Atiur Rahman said soon after a complaint is lodged, an internal investigation is carried out and prompt action is taken accordingly.
He said, "as a regulatory authority of banks and financial institutes, we feel that it is our responsibility to establish women-friendly environment within our office first to encourage others to do the same."
Dr Atiur, however, agreed that there is a long way to go to establish gender-balanced central bank and expressed the hope that what has been started during his tenure would continue.
The central bank also monitors the gender issues in other banks and FIs by seeking gender related reports in every six months.