
Beware of obesity

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Obesity is increasing in our population as the people are getting affluent and they are eating rich food and leading inactive life due to the advent of technology. The urban people are leading more lethargic life than before. We should include a regular workout routine in our daily life. We don't have to spare much time to remain fit and healthy - exercise of only twenty minutes is enough for fit and healthy health. We can do some freehand exercise in our home or we can jog for some time in an open space. Our healthy habits positively influence our children and they too form a good habit like a regular workout. Obesity in the urban children is rising alarmingly. Obese parents have more chances to raise obese children. We should be health conscious not only for the sake of ourselves, but also for our children.

Mohammed Sohel Hara
Bonoshree Dhaka
[email protected]