
BNP keeps aloof from people during pandemic

Alleges Quader

Thursday, 3 December 2020

Awami League (AL) General Secretary Obaidul Quader said on Wednesday BNP gives shelter to the corrupt people as it believes in opportunism, report agencies.
"As a political party, the BNP has no gratefulness. Without standing by the people, the party is pouring showers of words in media and Facebook, and patronising the opportunists and the corrupt people," he said.
The AL leader came up with the remarks while speaking at a virtual press briefing after inaugurating the construction work of the 2nd Nayarhat Bridge through videoconferencing from his official residence in the city.
Responding to a remark of BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, the AL general secretary said the nation wants to know what role the BNP has played as a responsible political party in natural disasters like Covid-19 pandemic, flood and super cyclone Amphan.
When the whole world is in trouble amid the coronavirus pandemic, he said, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina played a visionary role to keep people's livelihood smooth in this crisis, which was lauded across the world.
"But, in this difficult time, BNP did not play any role and the party ended its responsibilities by only delivering speeches and statements," he added.
Without praising any good work of the government, Quader said, the BNP is constantly criticising the government as it had expected more misery of the country's people.
"The BNP thought that people would die on the streets without food and treatment. Upon the infinite mercy of the Creator and the skilled leadership of humanitarian leader Sheikh Hasina, no such situation was created here," he said.
The AL general secretary said that is why the BNP leaders are standing against the country and its people in the name of opposing the government.
But understanding their motive, the country's people do not respond to the BNP's call, he said.
Quader said the government has no connection with cases filed against BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia and their verdicts.
"The government did not file the cases against Begum Zia or sentenced her, rather the caretaker government had filed the cases and the court has sentenced her," he added.
Talking about BNP's allegation over Khaleda's jail, the minister said, "Telling lies is their (BNP's) habit."
"Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has stayed Begum Zia's sentence twice, but the party (BNP) does not have any sense of gratitude," he said.
BNP believes in the politics of killings and conspiracies, so the party nurtures criminals, the AL leader alleged.
About the road and highways sector, Quader said keeping the communication system of the whole country with Dhaka city uninterrupted and ensuring road safety is a big challenge now.
Due to the location of the National Memorial in Nabinagar area, this highway is very important, so it is urgent to maintain this road and keep it clean, he said.
The road transport and bridges minister hoped to take forward the work of Nayarhat Bridge maintaining transparency and quality, and complete the construction work of the bridge within the stipulated timeframe.