
BNP leaders echo Khaleda on council nod for reforms

Monday, 2 July 2007

Some BNP leaders with close ties to party Secretary General Abdul Mannan Bhuiyan Sunday said they did not have any contradiction with Chairperson Khaleda Zia over the reform plan, reports bdnews24.com.
After a meeting with Bhuiyan at his Gulshan residence, Joint Secretary General Ashraf Hossain told reporters that they backed the chairperson on making the reform proposals final at a council.
He said Bhuiyan's proposal was a draft.
Senior BNP leader Hafizuddin Ahmed also echoed Ashraf.
Khaleda Saturday said reforms to the BNP must be done in line with the councillors' views.
"I want reforms. Party leaders want reforms too, but that must follow a democratic way," the BNP chairperson told reporters after visiting ailing party treasurer Shah Alam at his Malibagh home.
The BNP leaders welcomed the reform proposal of AL presidium member Abdur Razzak. They said reforms are the need of the time for political parties.
Scores of BNP leaders and workers from Barisal, Joydevpur, Barguna, Bogra, Dinajpur, Rajshahi, Panchagarh, Rangpur, Noakhali and Chittagong met Bhuiyan at his home.
Ashraf Hossain said preparations were on to hold a council. The council will be held once the preparations are complete.
Hafizuddin said, "We don't have any dispute with the chairperson. She wants reform. We want it too."
No council was held in the last 14 years, he added.