
BNP raps brutal tactics against protesters

Fakhrul again calls for govt's ouster

FE REPOPRT | Wednesday, 31 July 2024

Bangladesh is in the throes of a fierce struggle as students are against the fascist tactics of the Awami League government, says Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir.
Student protests demanding logical reforms to quotas on government jobs have been met with unprecedented violence and repression, according to a media release issued on Tuesday.
Mr Alamgir claimed police and law-enforcement agencies continued to attack, baton-charge and arrest students in various parts of the country, including in Dhaka.
Despite the peaceful nature of these protests, he said, the government's response has been one of sheer repression.
"Law-enforcers along with armed cadres from the ruling Awami League - Chhatra League and Jubo League - foiled gatherings, attacked students with batons and tear gas, and created a climate of fear and conflict."
The government's actions, without declaring a state of emergency, have revealed its undemocratic and authoritarian character.
The BNP slams these actions, calling for the immediate and unconditional release of the detained students.
Mr Alamgir highlighted the case of Nahid Islam, one of the coordinators of the student movement.
Mr Nahid along with other coordinators was forcibly taken from a hospital to the DB (detective branch) office in Dhaka.
There, they were coerced into withdrawing their protest programme under duress, said the BNP leader.
This spectacle, as witnessed by the nation, underscores the government's desperation and the lengths it will go to suppress dissent.
The DB office's refusal to release the detainees, despite claims to the contrary, only deepens the crisis.
The Supreme Court has criticised the DB chief's actions as 'mockery with the nation,' according to Mr Alamgir.
He said the government's misuse of state apparatus to protect its political interests was clear and alarming.
The government continues to unjustly arrest leaders, activists and even family members of opposition parties under false pretences.
These actions include block raids, during which family members are treated disrespectfully, and property is often vandalised or looted.
Political activists are denied legal rights in prison, exacerbating the humanitarian crisis, says Mr Fakhrul.
He claims the High Court's remand instructions are routinely ignored, further highlighting the government's disregard for the rule of law.
Recent media reports have revealed shocking accounts of torture endured by dozens of political prisoners, including the former VP of the Dhaka University Central Students' Union (DUCSU).
This has outraged the nation and further exposed the government's inhumane practices. The prisoners are denied medicare and visits from relatives, highlighting the cruelty of their treatment, said Mr Fakhrul.
The brutal suppression of students, journalists and opposition parties has drawn egregious domestic and international condemnation. Even the United Nations has called for accountability.
"The government's actions have tarnished its image nationally and globally, thereby revealing its fascist tendencies."
The massacre of peaceful protesters, including the killing of Abu Sayeed, a student from Rangpur, in police firing, has incited widespread anger and hatred.
Despite attempts to control the narrative, the truth continues to emerge, fuelling the resolve of the movement.
The government's efforts to deceive the public through misinformation and media control have failed.
The unity among students, teachers, parents and professionals grows stronger daily, signalling a formidable resistance against the undemocratic regime.
"The incumbent government, which holds power without electoral legitimacy, is increasingly desperate as it continues to spread false statements and rumours, but these tactics only backfire."
The people of Bangladesh and the global community remain vigilant, rejecting the government's lies and standing by student protesters, said Mr Alamgir.
"Therefore, the resignation of the government is seen as the only viable solution to the current crisis."
The BNP demanded for the lifting of curfews, withdrawal of military forces, cessation of brutal repression and the unconditional release of all the detainees.
A political initiative is necessary to address the crisis and restore democracy and justice in Bangladesh, according to Mr Alamgir.

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