
BNP 'reformists' harden stance on Khaleda

Sunday, 15 July 2007

BNP Secretary General Abdul Mannan Bhuiyan Saturday said a requisition council of BNP will be convened to push through the reform proposals even if Chairperson Khaleda Zia declined to give permission to hold the same, report agencies.
"After taking preparation to hold the council, naturally we will seek the chairperson's permission. If she gives (the permission), that's good…If not, we'll summon a requisition council. We will do that in accordance with the party constitution," he told a press briefing in replying to a query about the leadership of the council.
Bhuiyan pointed out that there are rules for holding party council. "The Council will be held according to the party constitution. Having completed the preparations, we will seek her permission," he said.
With the remarks he actually refuted the claim of the party Joint Secretary General Gayeswar Roy, who, after meeting with Bhuiyan, said Friday that the secretary general had told him that the council would be held under the leadership of the chairperson.
About his meeting with the 'pro-Khaleda' leader at his residence the BNP secretary general said, "Involving me, Gayeswar made some remarks to the media yesterday (Friday). These are absolutely his personal statements. I have no involvement with his statements.
"He came to my residence and discussions took place about our reform proposals. He supported our proposals," he said, adding, "There was no discussion as to under whose leadership the council will be held or who will lead the council. Our council will be held according to the party constitution."
After the meeting with the secretary general, Roy told reporters Friday, "I have had talks with the secretary general. He has assured me that the council will be held under the leadership of Chairperson Khaleda Zia."
Roy's statement prompted sharp reactions from 'reformists'. Former BNP lawmaker Zahiruddin Swapan protested Roy's statement in the media. Bhuiyan called the press briefing Saturday to clarify the matter.
Asked when the preparations would be finished, Bhuiyan said, "It can't be said at the moment. We are taking our preparation after which we will seek a date (from the chairperson)."
Asked if they fear that the chairperson might not give the permission, he said, "That can't be said at this moment."
Bhuiyan, when asked at what stage their preparations are, said they are communicating to find out the whereabouts of the councilors and the committees.
Asked whether the council would be held under the state of emergency, he said, "If the emergency persists for an indefinite period, we are thinking if we can hold the council after taking permission from the government."
Asked if they are in touch with the government, he said, "We are taking our preparations and by this time if the state of emergency is not lifted, then we will hold the council taking permission."
Asked if they hope to get the permission, the BNP secretary general said, "We do not think so now. We may seek permission."
When asked if there is any distance from the chairperson, he said it is not a matter of distance. "We have put forward our reform proposals and there are opinions coming for and against the proposals. We have seen she had said one or two things in one or two places against the reforms. That's why we are doubtful. If she permits, that's good; if not, we will take alternative measure."
Bhuiyan, asked if there was any discussion with the chairperson about the reform recipe, said they had sent the proposals to her.
Asked if the chairperson would be approached for permission only for formality's sake, he said, "No, no. After completing the preparations as best as possible, she will be contacted."
To call a council, he said, a preparatory committee would have to be formed that would determine who is to preside over the session.
Asked why she is not going to be involved with the preparatory activities, the BNP secretary general replied, "Why not? She is here. She will be called when time will come."
Asked if it was necessary to discuss with her about the reform proposals they had placed, he replied in the negative. "We have put forward our proposals. If anybody else gives proposals, we will accept it."
Replying to a question, he said there was no restriction from the government for him to communicate with the chairperson and they would keep in touch when time will come.
To a query, Bhuiyan said that it is quite a few days since he had last contacted his beleaguered party chief Khaleda Zia.
Asked who would appear as leader since Khaleda is going to be left out under their proposals, he said the council is to decide.
Chairperson's Adviser ZA Khan and Ashraf Hossain, joint secretary general of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), were present at the press briefing.