Boat capsize in Mediterranean sea
Tuesday, 14 May 2019
On May 10, a boat capsized in the Mediterranean sea, leading to the deaths of at least 65 migrants including 37 Bangladeshi nationals. Fishermen were able to rescue 16 people including 14 from Bangladesh from sea. All of them were trying to reach Italy from Libya.
The news became known to the world as the Tunisian fishermen had spotted the victims in the water and went to their help. There are many such incidents that go unreported.
Young people from Bangladesh try to migrate to Europe with the help of influential brokers. The brokers not only endanger the lives of these people, but also force them to survive miserable conditions. In this case, each of the young and aspiring migrants had given around Tk 0.5 million, on average, to the middlemen.
The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) called this incident one of the deadliest shipwrecks of this year.
In such ways, thousands of unaware young people are risking their lives every month.
I would like to request our government to be tough on the human traffickers who are engaged in such activities.
Mohammed Sohel Hara
Bonosree, Dhaka