
Bringing to an end indecency in the name of fashion show

Md Abdullah Al Helal | Saturday, 29 March 2014

Fashion shows of today are frequently held in venues without much of a background or even a theme. They are star-studded affairs that draw celebrities as well as buyers. They have become national and world-wide events that are recorded by the television industry. Some fashion shows are even made into documentaries and marketed throughout the world. However, life in a modern community is far more controlled by the fashion industry than many people realise; it affects not only clothing, but almost every aspect of our daily life.  
The common themes of these fashion shows are presentation or circulation the products or goods where most of the fashion houses or industries symbolise women in this purpose with filthy dress. The young generation imitates this dress-up of their favorite models and thus getting used to wearing these indecent dressing not only at home, but outside also. In addition, young people are using indecent dressing in the name of fashion in public place even in the educational institutions which is not coupled to our cultures.
The participating models in the fashion show are scantily dressed, are mostly required to expose their body and beauty before the audience. Such programmes are responsible for the moral degeneration of our youth. Indecent dressing stands out as one of the most problematic social anomalies, which has impacted negatively and destructively on existence at the moment.  The root cause of the increase of the rape, violence and crime related to women are the spread of obscenity in the society. The fashion shows therefore in no way increase prestige, honour, dignity, safety and security of the women rather women lose respect, and their security is further endangered.
Fashion simply means "The popular style of clothes, hair and behaviour of an individual etc at a particular time." Simply put it is a particular style of an individual. It does not mean dressing with your body exposed. These filthy dresses in the name of fashion do not increase the dignity of the women. In fact, the uncovered body of woman brings disgrace for her. Historically all noble ladies even in the West until now were dressed in the most dignified manner. In fact such half-clothed women become an object of commercial display and turn into the easy prey of the lust of the males.
Talking about the indecency, the eventual purpose of the clothing is to cover up the body. Its aim is also to protect prestige, honour and the dignity of the individual personality. But in the presentation ceremony of the fashion show as broadcast by the satellite TV the participating women were shown walking in such skin tight, bare and half naked way as if the purpose is to attract male members who are viewing. Such exposure of the body and beauty of the women is nothing but the wild expression of nakedness and offensive and indeed a distasteful matter.  
Undoubtedly, the exposure of the body of the women in the name of fashion can neither be a sign of progress of civilisation nor a country's development. Experts in society pointed out that, if nudity is considered a sign of progress, then women one day will require becoming totally naked to increase the reserve of foreign exchange. In other words, the loathsome and abhorrent male members will not spend money unless women expose them by becoming totally naked to earn money.
It is also needed to mention that the so-called fashion show, which is against the ideology of Islam and its teachings, is also against the history, tradition and culture of Bangladesh. It is not in agreement with the values of other religious faiths as well. Though it is very popular event in the recent periods, in reality fashion is killing teenagers and some adults. However, this very attitude and the role of fashion shows are harming the very basics of the young community and they start feeling that their life would reach a certain height if they involve themselves in the fashion activities. In this purpose people of Bangladesh especially young generation should be cautious enough over this ill event which is degrading our enriched and prolonged historical norms and traditions. Hence, decency demands that a woman should not expose her body in the name of fashion.

The writer is a senior lecturer in Social Work, Centre for General Education, Northern University Bangladesh. Email: [email protected]