
BTRC asks 58 TVAS licensees to pay dues to SOF

FE REPORT | Tuesday, 9 July 2024

The telecoms regulator has asked 58 TVAS licensees to share 5.5-per cent revenue in dues with it and pay 1.0 per cent of their revenue to Social Obligation Fund (SOF).
The Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) sent letters to the TVAS (telecommunication value-added service) providers to pay all dues, including late fees and VAT, in a week.
As per rules, the licensees were required to share 5.5-per cent revenue with the BTRC and contribute 1.0 per cent of their annual audited total revenue to the SOF.
Telecom entities such as mobile operators and internet service providers subscribe the amounts in every three months to a BTRC account.
"We have been noticing that some TVAS entities are not paying since the issuance of their licences in 2019," reads a BTRC letter.
The regulator warns of taking stern action against them if the dues not paid in the stipulated time. It resumed issuing registration of certification for providing TVAS after two years and a half in 2022.
The BTRC suspended new registration of companies for such services on 30 September 2019 with an eye to scrutinising the activities of registered TVAS companies, according to a BTRC notice.
It issued registration certificates to 183 organisations till 20 February 2022.
According to the BTRC, a total of 132 TVAS are currently providing services.

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