
Budget will put more burden on common people: Fakhrul

FE REPORT | Friday, 7 June 2024

Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir said on Thursday that the proposed budget for the fiscal year (FY) 2024-2025 would put more burdens on the common people.
Mirza Fakhrul Islam made the comment in an instant reaction to the media on the proposed budget at the party chairperson's political office at Gulshan in the capital.
Terming the budget just a means for looting, Mr Fakhrul said, "This budget is for looting only. This so-called budget is for more expenses rather than income. All burdens will be on the shoulders of the people. The loans from banks and foreigners (foreign countries) will increase," he said.
Prices of all items would increase due to this budget, he said, adding everyone knows about looting in the power sector.
"People have been losing their ability to survive. There is no scope for new employment. The whole budget is anti-Bangladesh. This budget is for mega corruption in the name of mega projects," he maintained.
Another report says: BNP standing committee member Dr Abdul Moyeen Khan termed the budget proposed for the fiscal year 2024-25 as 'a tool to exploit the people'.
He made the comment while expressing his instant reaction to the media on the new fiscal budget after its announcement on Thursday.

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