
Buenos Aires rocked by clashes over reforms

Reforms include declaring a state of economic emergency, cutting pensions and watering down labour rights

Friday, 14 June 2024

BUENOS AIRES, June 13 (BBC): Argentina's Senate has narrowly approved President Javier Milei's controversial economic reform package, with the vote taking place as violent clashes raged between protesters and riot police outside Congress.
Demonstrators in Buenos Aires - who say the measures will hurt millions of Argentines - threw petrol bombs and stones, setting cars alight. A number of people were reported injured, with local media describing the scene on Wednesday as a "battlefield".
The reforms, aimed at reviving the country's flagging economy, include declaring a state of economic emergency, cutting pensions and watering down labour rights.
Mr Milei, a right-wing economist, was elected in the midst of a deep economic crisis which he is still struggling to stem after six months in office.
Annual inflation is currently close to 300%, while more than half of Argentines are now living in poverty. Mr Milei's "shock" measures are opposed by leftist political parties, labour unions and social organisations.
But the motion, which was initially tied 36-36 in the Senate, was preliminarily passed on Wednesday after the head of the chamber, Vice-President Victoria Villarruel, broke the tie.
"For those Argentines who suffer, who wait, who do not want to see their children leave the country... my vote is affirmative," Ms Villaruel said after breaking the tie.
The 328-article bill will now be surveyed point by point before its expected full approval on Thursday. It will then return to the lower house for the final go-ahead.
Ahead of the bill's passing in the Senate, protesters chanted: "The country is not for sale, the country is defended," while one banner read: "how can a head of state hate the state?"
Scuffles broke out when protesters tried to make their way towards Congress through fences, with demonstrators throwing rocks at officers who pepper sprayed them.
Observers and opposition MPs said dozens of demonstrators and a handful of MPs received medical attention. At least five opposition MPs in the crowd were hospitalised, legislator Cecilia Moreau told AFP news agency.