
BUET starts celebrating 60 yrs of engineering education

Sunday, 29 July 2007

DU Correspondent
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) started celebrating its 60 years of engineering education in Bangladesh on its campus amid much fanfare and festivity Saturday.
Former vice-chancellor (VC) of the university Wahiduddin Ahmed inaugurated the gala ceremony as the chief guest at the Council Building of BUET in the morning with the university's incumbent VC AMM Safiullah in the chair.
Speaking on the occasion, ex-VC Ahmed said BUET is contributing much to open the door of the latest technology for the Bangladeshi students to prove their excellence in engineering education at home and abroad.
He asked the students to spread the light of their attained expertise and knowledge to uphold the country's engineering contribution across the world.
VC Safiullah said, "The prime objective of the celebration is to appraise the people of what we did for the people of the country during the last 60 years of engineering education in the country."
He said, as the premier institution of engineering education, we bear a great responsibility on our shoulder to enrich the overall technical knowledge that can give a productive touch to the total development of the country.
Some 700 alumni along with the former VCs, faculty members, renowned engineers and students of the university attended the inaugural session of the six-month programme to commemorate the historic occasion.