
Bush plunges to new low in poll

Friday, 15 June 2007

WASHINGTON, Jun 14 (AFP): US President George W. Bush's approval rating plunged to a new low of 29 per cent in the Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, the Journal reported Thursday.
With the public disenchanted by his Iraq strategy, and in the wake of a White House defeat on a landmark immigration bill, Bush hit his lowest level in six years as president in the WSJ/NBC poll -- the previous low approval rate was 34 per cent in December 2006.
Two-thirds of Americans say they disapprove of how he is leading the country, up from 61 per cent also last December.
Likewise, only two Americans in 10 said in the new poll that they feel the country is headed in the right direction, compared to 22 per cent just two months ago and 29 per cent in December.