
Business leaders at UN summit adopt declaration on responsible practices

Sunday, 8 July 2007

GENEVA, July 7 (Xinhua): Business leaders attending a UN meeting here pledged yesterday to respect labour and human rights as well as environmental and anti-corruption standards in a wide-ranging declaration.
At the second UN Global Compact Leaders Summit, top executives of corporations such as Coca-Cola, Petrobras, Fuji Xerox and China Ocean Shipping Group adopted the 21-point Geneva Declaration, which spells out concrete actions for business, governments and UN Global Compact participants.
Some 4,000 organisations from 116 countries, including over 3,000 businesses, have so far subscribed to the Global Compact, pledging to observe ten universal principles related to human and labour rights, the environment and the struggle against corruption.
The Geneva Declaration calls for urgent action against poverty, income inequality, protectionism and the absence of decent work opportunities, which it says pose serious threats to world peace and markets.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told participants that their reports showed how market leadership and sustainability leadership go hand-in-hand.
"This will help us build the supportive measures needed to create more sustainable markets. And it will ultimately help improve the lives of many people around the world," he said.
Ban called on business leaders to convene board meetings to share developments at the summit, and ensure that the Global Compact is fully carried out within their companies and through their suppliers and partners.
Over 1,000 people registered for the summit-most from companies, but also from government entities, international organisations, business organisations, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), academia, foundations and international labour organisations.
The first Global Compact Leaders Summit took place in New York in 2004, and the next is planned for 2010.
"Responsible business practices can contribute to social and economic inclusion, helping to advance international cooperation, peace, development, and the protection of human rights - the fundamental goals of the United Nations," the declaration said.