
Call for acquiring knowledge in non-tariff barriers

Thursday, 28 June 2007

Our Correspondent
CHITTAGONG, Jun 27: A seminer on 'trade barrier perspective in Bangladesh" under the preview of non-tariff barrier (NTB) and technical barrier to trade was arranged by Chittagong Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) in the port city Tuesday.
EPB Chittagong Regional Director (RD) Monoj Kumar Roy presided over the seminar. The EPB RD, in his speech, said the Bureau arranges seminar and workshops in different important locations of the country under 'National Export Training Programme' every year for enhancing knowledge and efficiency of exporters and officials involved in export-related activities.
In the age of free-market economy, liberalisation of trade is emerging through removal of tax barriers for expanding global trade under the WTO, he added, saying that extent of non-taxation barrier is also on the rise on the plea of preserving interests of local industry, public health, environment and security.
Under the circumstances, he underscored the need for acquiring adequate knowledge on non-taxation barriers for achieving success both in the field of export and import trade.