
Call to realise compensation from Chevron, Niko

Friday, 15 June 2007

The National Committee to Protect Oil, Gas, Mineral resources, Port and Power Thursday asked the government to realise Tk 129.80 billion (12,980 crore) in compensation from the multinational companies Chevron and Niko Resources. Realisation of the money has been demanded following the incidents of Magurchhara, Chhatak and Tengratila gas-field explosions in Sylhet 10 years back. The committee made a request for the money to be invested in the fiscal 2007-08 budget. The demands were made at a press conference, organised at the Dhaka Reporters' Unity auditorium in the city Thursday, to mark the anniversary of the Sylhet explosions. Anu Muhammad, an economist and secretary of the committee, claimed that at least 550 billion cubit feet of gas has so far been destroyed in the Sylhet gas-field explosions. — bdnews24.com