
Celebrating a visionary in child health sector

Muhammad Abdul Mazid | Monday, 3 August 2015

The Institute Of Child Health (ICH) and Shishu Sasthaya Foundation Bangladesh (SSFB) Hospital at Mirpur,  Dhaka set up by National Professor and senior-most pediatrician of the country Dr  M.R. is an epoch-making organisation in the health sector of the country. It is a unique example of' his concern for child health. August 01 has been earmarked as "Child Service Day", and it is on this day in 1928 that Prof M. R. Khan was born. Members of the Foundation take a fresh vow on this day to set themselves on a roller-coaster ride with the singular mission to serve the distressed children of the country.
In a situation when the collapsing public healthcare system has created a despondency in the public mind and the country has seen a profusion of' private hospitals largely unregulated and having little accountability, the ICH is an outstanding exception. A visionary in the child health sector, Prof. M. R. Khan is indeed a role model. At 87, he is agile and indefatigable. His involvement with life and society is total and he still retains the energy of youth as he surveys the rest of his idealistic dreams. One could see in utter amazement the humility, the simplicity and optimism that Prof. M. R. Khan exhibits even at this age. He still has enormous appetite for hard work, ability to tackle difficult issues and a gift of striking a rapport with society at large.   
His SSFB has been working for almost 0.75 million target population of mothers and children providing health, nutrition, education, environment and even micro-credit facilities through its 12 programmed areas in Dhaka, Tangail, Gaibandha and Satkhira. The programme includes a myriad of activities aimed at reduction of mortality of mothers and children.
Dr. M. R. Khan committed himself to the difficult task of ensuring physical and mental well-being of this most vital groups of society through the aegis of ICH and SSFB, with activities gradually expanding over the whole country. The programmes include human resource development, health  and nutrition with special emphasis on mother and  child healthcare clinic service, door to door service  provided to the under privileged and disadvantaged children in the evening hours without hampering their economic contribution to the family.
 It is undeniable that Bangladesh faces enormous challenges in the field of child protection and childcare. The hard reality for millions of children is that these unfortunate groups besides falling prey to diseases and malnutrition also become victims of trafficking exploitation and violence. Professor M R Khan realised that despite difficulties changes are possible through mobilisation of society as a whole. Quality, not quantity is the new buzzword at every walk of life. Prof. Khan feels it is better we stop focusing on contraceptive targets and instead concentrate on improving reproductive and child health (RCH) care facilities.
 The problem of ensuring quality health care to mothers and children in the community has been an aspect of major concern in Bangladesh. This is especially so because 70 per cent of the population are either children under 15 years (50 per cent) or women of reproductive age (20 per cent,). High mortality, ill health and malnutrition in children have posed severe threats to national development. This disappointing situation is the result of' acute shortage of personnel with adequate preventive  and clinical skills. Health workers need to be skilled and committed in their works through structured training.
The Shishu Sasthya Foundation at Mirpur and its ancillary establishments like ICH at Mirpur, Dhaka, Tangail, Gaibandha and Satkhira hold hope to serve as national-level training centres for health and nutrition of children and mothers. Importantly, Prof. M R Khan and Anwara Khaum (his wife) have built a Trust fund for this Foundation. He has donated land and money to construct a children's hospital at Satkhria and a high school at his ancestral land at Rasulpur, Satkhria. One can now only hope that the affluent section of society in the country and Bangladeshi diaspora spread all over the world come forward and contribute to such private sector charitable health services.
Prof. M R Khan moves from one hospital to another from morning to evening to look after patients, teaching students and providing training to the doctors. As a honorary visiting Professor he is associated with most of the national institutes and medical colleges besides his own general and corporate hospital Central Hospital at Dhanmondi, ICH and SSFB at Mirpur. At 88, he is a tireless worker attending meetings and seminars at every hour of the day with meticulous punctuality.
As a physician and a social worker Professor M R Khan has won numerous laurels in his eventful life but he still thinks he has miles to go. For his outstanding contribution in the field of child health, his biography was included in the International "WHO's who" of intellectuals by IBC Cambridge, UK in 1987. Called Father of Paediatrics and 'Shishu Bandhu' in Bangladesh, Prof. M R Khan has been awarded gold medal by the Association of Paediatrics, Manila, Sher-e-Bangla Jatiya Smriti Sangsad Gold Medal, Kabi Nazrul Islam National Award and Gold Medal, Maulana Tarkabgish Gold Medal, Maulana Bhashani Gold Medal, Bangladesh Paediatrics Association Award and Gold Medal and many more.  He was made National Professor in 1995, and was awarded Ekushey Padak in Social Service in 2009. Khan is the author and co-author of seven academic books on child health. Mentionable are  Apnar Shshur Jonnya Jeney Nin ( 1976), Pocket Paediatric Prescriber, ( January 1982), Essence of Endocrinology (1986), Prathomik Shikhsha ( 1986), Ma o Shishu ( 1986), Drug Therapy in Bnagladesh (1987) Essence of Paediatrics ( January , 1989),
 Dr Muhammad Abdul Mazid, a
former Secretary and  Chairman NBR, is currently Chief Coordinator
of the Diabeitc Association of Bangladesh and Chairman, Chittagong Stock Exchange.
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