
Celebrating the Quran during Ramadan


Asjadul Kibria | Friday, 15 March 2024

Ramadan, the ninth lunar month, carries profound spiritual significance for Muslims worldwide. For them, it is time for fasting from dawn to dusk and abstaining from physical intimacy to purify the soul and strengthen one’s connection with Allah. This sacred month is also known as the month of the Quran, as it was during Ramadan when the holy book of Allah was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) through Archangel Gabriel (ahs). Therefore, it is not just a recommendation but a spiritual duty for Muslims to read the Quran as much as possible in this blessed month, alongside performing good deeds and avoiding bad ones. 
 Allah Himself says in the Quran: “The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Quran, a guidance for humanity, and clear proofs of the guidance, and the Criterion (of right & wrong); and whosoever of you is present, let him fast the month.” (Al-Baqarah 2:185)
The verse clearly establishes the link between Ramadan and the Quran. It is also known to us that the Prophet (pbuh) was in the habit of retreating to Mount Hira in Makkah for meditation during Ramadan, and it was during one of these periods of contemplation that the Archangel Gabriel (ahs) appeared to him with the first revelation.
Taraweeh salat, or prayer, is one of the specialities of Ramadan nights. Muslims perform a special prayer after every evening’s last daily prayer or Isha salat. The term taraweeh is derived from the Arabic word meaning ‘to rest and relax’, as it is considered a particular form of prayer. Muslims usually line up at night to observe some optional rakats of salat or namaz, where they listen and recite the Quran. In many countries, including Bangladesh, Muslims usually pray taraweeh for 20 rakats in sets of two rakats each in jamat or congregation at masques. The traditional practice is to complete the listening and recitation of the entire Quran in 27 nights. Every night, after Isha prayer, Muslims in the congregation listen and recite a specific portion of the holy book. Thus, the recitation of the Quran starts on the first night and ends on the 27th night of the holy month. Generally, a hafiz, who memorises the whole Quran by heart, recites section by section consecutively during this prayer so that within a month, 27 days in most cases, each worshipper has the unique advantage of listening to the whole Quran. The entire congregation thus responds together within their hearts to the revealed message.
Recognising that many Muslims in Bangladesh may not understand the intricacies of Quranic Arabic, there has been a concerted effort to translate the Quran as well as key messages of the holy book into Bangla. Sheikh Ahmadullah, a respected Islamic scholar and orator, has contributed to this effort with his concise book of the Quran in Bangla, tailored explicitly for taraweeh. Titled ‘Taraweeheer Salate Quraner Bartat’ (The message of Quran in taraweeh prayer)’, the book presents the orders, instructions, stories, and examples from the holy book in simple Bangla. According to him: “Though the recitations of Quran by hafizs through their beautiful tone of voice enthralled us, only a few people can understand what the final book of Allah instructs us. The book is a humble attempt to fill the gap. If we can decode Allah’s core messages besides listening to the mesmerising recitations, then our taraweeh prayer will be significant and quite satisfactory.” (P-3)
 The book is divided into 27 sections, each corresponding to the daily recitations in taraweeh. By reading the relevant section before or after the prayer, one can gain a deeper understanding of the Quran’s teachings. This practice is not limited to Ramadan, it is a tool for continuous learning and spiritual growth. The writer encourages all readers to engage with the Quran during this holy month and throughout the year, fostering a stronger connection with the final revealed book and its teachings.
Thus Sheikh Ahmadullah brings a wonderful book to all Bangla-speaking Muslims to assist in celebrating the Quran during Ramadan which means to understand the final revealed book and follow the orders and examples presented in the book. As Ramadan is about fasting, praying, reading the Quran, and giving to charity, it also requires us to develop our knowledge and understanding of the final revealed book.

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