
CG needs to continue work with a focused agenda

Tuesday, 19 June 2007

BEFORE the take-over of power by the present caretaker government (CG), the country had seemingly become like a mail train without brakes. Now, people feel somewhat confident that there is some authority who, in a guardian like manner, would be employing the powers and the authority of the state to stop this country from the self-destructing path. If anyone really cares to know what feelings are pulsating among most countrymen today, they would not miss particularly that upbeat feeling of escaping horrendous troubles and, more significantly, that the prevailing state of affairs or great relief they are finding, should continue.
Indeed, as far the people are concerned, they would like to see things returning to normalcy with institutions functioning properly. However, there is no short cut route to institutional reforms. Such reforms involve a process and the government should trigger actions to set the process more on. It will be well-neigh impossible for this government to clean up everything within its expected tenure. That is why it needs to prioratise actions and to deliver results to the people. It needs to have a focused, not defused, attention to such priorities.

Naimur Rahman
Gulshan, Dhaka