
CG working tirelessly for a truly pro-people govt: CA

Thursday, 25 October 2007

Head of the Caretaker Government (CG) Fakhruddin Ahmed Wednesday said his interim regime is working tirelessly for a government truly of the people, by the people and for the people.
"We no longer want to endure governments 'of the money, by the money and for the money'," the Chief Adviser (CA) told a function held in the city marking the United Nations Day, reports UNB.
Brought at the helm of power by the recent political crisis over electoral issues, his nine-month-old government is carrying out massive sociopolitical reforms to create an atmosphere congenial for holding the stalled general election in a free, fair and credible manner.
UN Resident office in Bangladesh organised the 62nd founding anniversary of the United Nations, which came into being in 1945 for maintaining peace and order in the world.
Bangladesh became 136th member of the UN on September 17, 1974. Now 192 countries are the members of the United Nations.
Video footage of the historic moment of Bangladesh's membership of the global body was screened at the function.
Foreign Affairs Adviser Iftekhar Ahmed Chowdhury, and noted jurist Dr Kamal Hossain, who was present as Foreign Minister at the historical moment of Bangladesh joining in the UN through endorsement by the UN General Assembly in the UN headquarters in New York in 1974, also spoke on the occasion.
UN Resident Coordinator Renata Dessallien addressed the function and read out the special message of UN Secretary General Ban-ki Moon conveyed on the occasion of UN Day celebration in Bangladesh, as elsewhere in the world.
The Chief Adviser said Bangladesh's democratic ethos resonates with the collective will and aspirations of global citizens, which transcends national boundaries and parochial politics. "We share a unity of purpose with the global community and this strengthens our resolve for a democratic and prosperous Bangladesh."
Fakhruddin said his government deeply appreciates the response they have got from the UN system towards consolidating the country's democracy.
He mentioned with happiness that UNDP came forward to support the government's effort to prepare a new voter roll with photos.
The multi-million-dollar Photo Electoral Roll Project (PERP) has already begun the Herculean task of registering nearly 90 million voters within the shortest possible time, he told his audience.
The CA reaffirmed that Bangladesh remained avowedly committed to the principles of the United Nations. "We are among the first few countries whose Constitution makes an explicit reference to UN Charter."
During the 36 years of Bangladesh statehood, the country never has deviated from the commitments made in the Constitution, he informed the function.
"Bangladesh has been both a standard-bearer and a trendsetter in the UN. We have been a quintessential multi-lateralist, as evident in our words and actions. As a consensus builder, we supported majority positions on almost all the resolutions adopted at the 61st UNGA.
This presents a remarkable consistency in our policy."
He said Bangladesh's position on the issues of rights to self-determination and peaceful resolution of conflicts has remained steadfast.
"Nowhere is our commitment to multilateralism more apparent than our consistent presence in the UN peacekeeping operations. Since 1988, Bangladesh has participated in over 30 peace missions in over 36 countries," he said
Advisers of the caretaker government, diplomats, some political leaders, representatives of UN organisations and distinguished personalities attended the UN Day function.