
Chavez attacks US ahead of Putin talks in Moscow

Friday, 29 June 2007

MOSCOW, June 28 (AFP): Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on Thursday railed against the United States at the start of a visit to Russia and called on Moscow to help lead a worldwide revolution against Washington.
Accusing the United States of "imposing tyranny," he said a "revolution" was under way against US global power and that Russia was a key player.
"They don't want Russia to keep rising but Russia has risen again as a centre of power and we, the people of the world, need Russia to become stronger every day," Chavez said here.
"History is moving and it's moving at a gallop," he said.
Later, Chavez was due to have dinner with President Vladimir Putin, who has also made a priority of attacking what he calls Washington's attempt to dominate the world.
Over the next few days Chavez is also expected to visit Belarus and Iran, two countries that Washington considers to be run by outlaw regimes.
The warm welcome here for Chavez was likely to irk Washington just days before Putin flies to the United States for key talks with President George W. Bush on tensions over US missile defence plans.
At a colourful ceremony to open a Latin American cultural centre in Moscow, the flamboyant Venezuelan leader said it was essential to resist US cultural domination, which he likened to an "imperial bombardment."