
Climate-resilient farming method thrives in Barind area

Wednesday, 22 May 2024

RAJSHAHI, May 21 (BSS): Climate-resilient farming method of Alternate Wetting and Drying-AWD is being thrived in the Barind area as it is being detected as drought-prone due to the adverse impact of climate change.
During the current Boro-paddy season, AWD method was projected in 125 blocks in different parts of the region with intervention of a project.
The grassroots farmers, deep-tube-well operators and others concerned were imparted training so that they can derive total benefits of the method.
Besides, farmers field day was organized in eleven of the blocks assessing harvested paddy yield in terms of the AWD used field and the non-used field.
As part of the programme, a field day was organized at Dadpur block under Borgachhi Union in Paba Upazila of the district today.
Union Parishad Chairman Shahadat Hossain, Sub Assistant Agriculture Officer Anika Sarmin was present at the field day and sample crop cutting ceremony.
Muhammad Shamim, 45, a farmer of the Dadpur village, has got better yield from his AWD used land in comparison to the unused land. Expressing his happiness over adopting the method he said many of his fellow farmers are attaining additional benefits after using the method.
Giving a salient feature of the method, he said it's a modern resilient and water-saving technology. It lessens irrigation cost worth Taka 800 to 1,000 for per bigha of land in addition to boost yield by three to five mounds of paddy.
Deep-tube-well operator Foyzul Islam said AWD method helps save water in aquifers amidst an abnormal decline in the level of underground water in recent days.
Elaborating aspects of the water-saving irrigation system he said the irrigation method should be promoted widely to protect the underground water from furthermore declining.
In addition to the practice of climate-smart agriculture, the beneficiary farmers will gain capacity to boost irrigation efficiency and farm productivity.
Local agro-business opportunities will be expanded to the farmers through connecting with a strong public-private stakeholder network.