
Closure of jute mills worries farmers of southern region

Saturday, 21 July 2007

BARISAL, July 20 (UNB): Jute growers in the southern region have been suffering from frustration following government decision to close down the jute mills, although they have exceeded the target of cultivation.
Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) sources here said the target of jute cultivation in the last season was 95,525 hectares of land, but the farmers cultivated 1,22,000 hectares against the target in the district.
Besides, fabric variety of Mechhta and Kenaf jute were also cultivated on 35,000 hectares of land in this region.
Some 0.15 million bales of jute were supplied from this region last year, sources said.
Farmers of 11 districts under Barisal region have cultivated jute on 1,45,000 hectares of land exceeding the target of 1,05,656 hectares this year and also cultivated fabric variety of Mechhta and Kenaf jute on 17,000 hectares in Barisal, Gopalganj, Madaripur and Shariatpur districts of the region.
In last season the price of per maund jute reached up to Tk 800 and the jute sticks were also sold for handsome price. This encouraged the farmers to cultivate jute on more land.
"But the declaration of closure of jute mills in private and public sectors made us not only frustrated but also created risk of huge financial loss", said Rahim Mia, a jute farmer of the region.
Abul Hossain, a jute trader, also expressed his anxiety about marketing of jute if the demand falls due to closure of jute mills one after another.
According to officials of DAE, the closure of jute mills may create negative impact among the cultivators although they are encouraging the farmers to cultivate jute in large scale to change their fate.