
Consumers' rights

Thursday, 28 June 2007

IT has been reported that the government is considering approving the draft of the proposed Consumer Protection Act, 2006, instead of the draft prepared by the Bangladesh Rifles. Recently, the Consumers' Association of Bangladesh at a press conference raised the issue and demanded approval of the BDR- prepared draft. It said that the BDR draft is more objective-oriented and clear than the earlier one.
It has been stated that the draft prepared in 2006 will not serve the interest of the consumers as it has gone through changes and amendments on different occasions at the behest of interested quarters. It is well known that the first draft of the proposed Act was prepared in 1994. But it did not receive the nod of the government.
Consumers are always cheated in market places in the absence of the law. They are the ultimate victims of market manipulations and product adulterations. Everyone understands the need of the law but no one in authority during the previous governments liked to do the desirable favour to the consumers. And for this reason, the law has remained in the womb of its framing process. The consumers occasionally find themselves helpless and without an opportunity to seek remedies for being cheated. Should the rights of the consumers remain unattained? At least, it might occur in one's mind as a big question after having read the recent news.
Mursheda Hussain
Purana Paltan, Dhaka