
Coronavirus and sliding Indian economy: What's the way out?

Kavaljit Singh | Tuesday, 6 October 2020

India has become the world's new hotspot for the Covid-19 pandemic as infection cases have surged in recent weeks. On September 22, the total number of confirmed cases surged past 5.6 million. If the current trend continues, India may soon become the world's worst-hit country, surpassing the US. With more than 90,000 people succumbing to Covid-19 infection so far, India's death toll is the third highest in the world after the US and Brazil.[As of October 5, total death recorded at 102,685.]
More worrisome is that the coronavirus is fast spreading to rural and remote areas of the country that lack testing, treatment, and tracing infrastructure. While the world is currently witnessing the second wave of infections, India has not been able to flatten the first wave curve.
UNPARALLELED ECONOMIC BLOW: The abrupt nationwide lockdown imposed across India on March 24 was the biggest in the world, forcing 1.3 billion Indians to stay indoors. The lockdown restrictions were imposed without any preparation or coordination with states. Except for some essential services and activities, the rest of India's $2.9 trillion economy remained shuttered during the lockdown period. The lockdown had devastating impacts on an already slowing economy and people's livelihoods as shops, eateries, factories, transport, services, and business establishments were shuttered. Consequently, the Indian economy contracted by 23.90 per cent in the April-June quarter of this fiscal year.
India's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) contraction was worse than any of the world's biggest economies including the US (9.10 per cent ) and Italy (17.70 per cent) ? two countries severely hit by the coronavirus pandemic. For the Indian economy, private consumption and investment are the two biggest engines for growth. During the first quarter of 2020, private consumption ? accounting for 59.0 per cent of India's GDP ? declined by 27.0 while investments by private businesses fell by 47.0 per cent. India's net exports turned positive due to sharp compression in imports. During the quarter, government spending increased by 16.0 per cent, but it was not adequate to compensate for the decline suffered by other engines of growth. Except for agriculture, all the major sectors of the economy were badly hit.
MORE WOES LIE AHEAD: There is still worse ahead. The business activity and consumption will remain subdued in the coming months due to a continued rise in virus cases across the country. Since July, several state governments have imposed localised lockdowns to curb the spread of infections.
The relief packages announced by the government since March are not aiding faster recovery because the direct government spending component is modest. The bulk of relief measures consists of indirect support such as credit guarantees and liquidity infusion and have proved to be ineffective in generating higher credit growth. The credit off take from banks will remain muted in the near term because of subdued credit demand. What's the point of massive liquidity injection when there is no demand for credit from businesses and consumers?
The contraction in the Indian economy would continue into the next three quarters and a recession is inevitable. Since Independence, India has faced a recession only thrice: 1958, 1966 and 1980. Economists, rating agencies and international financial institutions have revised their forecasts and their current projections show India's GDP could contract in the range of 9.0 per cent to 18.0 per cent this fiscal year.
Both private consumption and investment demand will take a long time to recover. The discretionary spending on non-essential goods has declined drastically due to rising unemployment and worries about likely job losses in the future. In the absence of domestic demand, businesses will not undertake fresh investments, which in turn would curb employment and overall economic growth.
What is urgently needed is a robust fiscal stimulus by the government to spur domestic demand and to sustain investment without being over-concerned about the fiscal deficit. The primary focus of fiscal stimulus should be on the informal sectors, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), the self-employed and casual workers that have been the worst casualty of the Covid-19-induced lockdown and subsequent disruptions.
GROWING STRESS IN THE BANKING SECTOR: Without a doubt, the Covid-19 pandemic has amplified the existing vulnerabilities of India's banking sector. Since April 2020, not only has credit growth of banks slowed down, but more importantly, their asset quality has also deteriorated sharply. Consequently, nonperforming loans pertaining to retail and MSME segments are on the rise.
In its Financial Stability Report (July 2020), the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has estimated that under a very severe stressed scenario, the gross non-performing assets of the banking sector could rise to 14.70 per cent by March 2021 from 8.50 per cent in March 2020. The rise in non-performing assets would result in higher credit costs, which in turn would adversely impact banks' loss-absorbing buffers and profitability.
CAPITAL SHORTAGES: MYTH OR REALITY: India, like the rest of the world, is facing an acute "scissors effect" of decreasing tax revenues due to subdued economic activity and rising expenditure due to a higher demand for health and social protection in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. The tax revenues have fallen steeply since the virus outbreak. The same is the case with non-tax revenues. Needless to add, fiscal deficits are rising in India and elsewhere.
Is there a way out? Yes. There are ways and means to raise additional financial resources to fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. One option is to seek grants and loans from bilateral development agencies and multilateral financial institutions to meet rising health and social protection expenditures. In May, the World Bank approved a fast-track $1.0 billion support to provide social assistance to poor households. India could also seek similar concessional loans from other development banks and IFIs to finance health and social protection programs.
A second option is to issue rupee-denominated government bonds as both Central and state governments heavily rely on this instrument to meet operational and developmental expenditures. If need be, the Central government could also issue rupee-denominated debt instruments (Covid Bonds) in offshore markets and use the proceeds to finance health and social protection measures in India.
A third option is to introduce a wealth tax and impose higher taxes on the super-rich individuals. We have discussed elsewhere how substantial revenues could be raised fairly and efficiently by introducing wealth taxes on wealthy individuals to meet Covid-19-related costs.
The proposal made by Indian Revenue Service Association to introduce an additional one-time Covid-19 relief cess of 4.0 per cent on taxable income of over Rs 1.0 million is worth considering as the Central government could mobilise an additional revenue of Rs 150 billion ($2 billion) on this account.
Further, nothing stops the central government from rolling back its recent decision to reduce corporate taxes that entails huge revenue loss to the exchequer. In the same vein, the government can re-introduce the enhanced surcharge on super-rich individuals that was withdrawn under pressure from foreign investors in August 2019.
Another option for the Central government is debt monetisation, under which the Reserve Bank of India would buy bonds directly from the government. Given the profound economic effects of the pandemic, many governments around the world are considering such unconventional measures. Given the medium-term risks involved, India could pursue a debt monetisation strategy at least for the short-term with a firm exit strategy. It is equally important that debt monetisation must be strictly linked to health and social sector spending and carried out in a transparent manner.
The increased level of government borrowing could raise potential debt sustainability issues, but a well-designed fiscal response will stimulate a strong recovery that will produce higher GDP growth in the near future, which in turn will reduce the debt-GDP ratio over time.
AN OPPORTUNITY TO OVERHAUL PUBLIC HEALTH INFRASTRUCTURE: As economic recovery depends crucially on how quickly the health crisis is tackled, India's unequipped healthcare infrastructure needs a complete overhaul, not tinkering around the edges, to effectively respond to the Covid-19 pandemic. Leave aside coronavirus, the country's health infrastructure is grossly unequipped to deal with the most common vector-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue fever.
The pandemic has exposed the vulnerability of India's public healthcare system. India's public healthcare system is one of the most underfunded in the world. India's public expenditure on health is less than 2.0 per cent of its GDP. Even much before the Covid-19 pandemic, Indian public hospitals were facing an acute shortage of beds and healthcare workers. Although the private healthcare industry has boomed mostly in urban areas, affordability remains an important issue.
There is an urgent need to increase public health spending in India. The financial allocations made for the public health sector under the Rs 20.0 trillion relief package are inadequate to meet the health challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic.
VACCINE DELIVERY IS THE NEXT BIG CHALLENGE: At present, no one knows when a coronavirus vaccine will be available in India. Most health experts believe that a vaccine may be developed by the middle of 2021. Now is the appropriate time for the Central and state governments to develop partnerships with other stakeholders for the production and distribution of a vaccine once it is developed and approved.
Thanks to the home-grown generic pharma industry, India has the capacity to produce hundreds of millions of doses coronavirus vaccine. But India's real challenges lie elsewhere. Administering a vaccine to 1.3 billion people would be a challenging task because India currently lacks logistical infrastructure (such as refrigerated storage and transport facilities) to deliver coronavirus vaccines at sub-zero temperatures across the country, especially in rural and remote areas. Besides, India also faces a severe shortage of healthcare personnel. It could take more than a year to get every Indian vaccinated for coronavirus.
The fair and equitable distribution of the vaccine is equally important. The government must bear the entire expenses of distributing vaccines for poor citizens. If need be, price controls should be introduced to make it affordable by everyone.
SAFEGUARDING LIVELIHOODS: The hastily imposed lockdown resulted in the loss of millions of jobs and triggered a mass exodus of internal migrants from urban centres to rural areas. As far as job losses are concerned, the Covid-19 pandemic has no parallel in the post-independent India. The Consumer Pyramids Household Surveys carried out by the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy show a sharp rise in unemployment rates in the range of 8.35 per cent to 23.52 per cent during April-August 2020.
As a large number of micro and small enterprises have started shutting their businesses, the biggest worry is that millions of jobs could be lost permanently, which in turn, will dampen consumption and will have a knock-on effect on the whole economy.
Out of work and facing an uncertain future, an estimated 10 million migrant workers returned to their native places after the imposition of lockdown. What is shocking is that neither the Central government nor state governments have data of migrant workers who lost their jobs or lives during the lockdown.
To support the livelihoods of the rural poor, the government must strengthen the rural employment scheme ? the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Generation Scheme (MGNREGS) ? by allocating more funds and increasing workdays guaranteed under the scheme. After the outbreak of coronavirus, the demand for MGNREGS works has increased due to disruptions in the agricultural supply-chains and the return of migrant workers to their native villages. As a result, the funds allocated for the scheme have dried up.
Along the lines of MGNREGS, India desperately needs a nationwide urban employment scheme for poor people living in urban India. Close to 90 million people in urban areas live below the poverty line. By guaranteeing hundred days of wage employment in a financial year to an urban household, such a scheme could provide livelihood security to those who are struggling to find re-employment quickly in the post-lockdown period.
SPEND BILLIONS TO SAVE TRILLIONS: There is still time for a course correction. The Indian government must act fast and boldly in developing a coherent economic recovery strategy aimed at stimulating domestic demand by raising wages of those who at the bottom of the economic pyramid besides strengthening health and social protection systems to mitigate the social and economic fallout of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The government should commit to spending billions of dollars to better fight the health crisis and to fast-track economic recovery from the Covid-19-induced recession. Injecting billions of dollars into the economy now to save a $2.9 trillion economy is the most effective way out of this crisis.

[Source: https://www.counterpunch.org/2020/09/25/covid-19-and-sliding-indian-economy-whats-the-way-out/]