
Country back on rails with a clear vision

Sunday, 7 October 2007

A K M Nurul Huda
THE present caretaker government's taking more than the constitutionally stipulated time in holding national elections, is nothing to be worried about though the political quarters want to contradict this view in their vested interests. But surely, countrymen have seen enough of business as usual with little or nothing done to address the basic problems of their life by the corruption and immorality filled political parties and their personalities who come to power again and again. They have made the worth of democracy or a democratic system questionable to the people. People aspire for democracy but they also want to rely on democracy as a means to good governance.
If the present interim government can do something of substance towards meeting of both these aspirations of democracy and good governance of the people, then the same should be considered as very important milestones in this country's continuous progress towards a better future for it. Bangladesh seemed derailed and headed towards anarchy for a brief period in the final quarter of last year. But since the reconstitution of the caretaker government, the country was back on the rails with clear vision of its longer term good dominating the thinking and actions of the ones who are supremely managing the affairs of its incumbent interim government. Therefore, there ought not to be grounds for undue anxiety or fears.
Bangladesh in 2007 is not the Bangladesh of the nineteen seventies or eighties. The political culture here, notwithstanding its many inadequacies, has profoundly changed for the better. History has turned a full circle. The system of caretaker government to ensure election neutrality and political stability does not exist even in the developed countries. But we have institutionalised this system and it is a proof of the political advancement of Bangladesh. The caretaker government is a great safety valve in the hothouse of Bangladesh politics. Elections were held under two caretaker governments in the past and each yielded a duly elected and representative government generally accepted by all political quarters in the country and this factor undoubtedly gave the country a measure of political normalcy and stability.
The present caretaker government is showing every promise of doing a fine job in creating conditions for the holding of free and fair polls above any sort of partisanship after the tumult again in the country about holding elections fairly. Therefore, another election is likely to take place successfully and another elected government above reproach could be in office in Bangladesh in the next year to continue the democratic process and maintain political stability. This is no small gain for a country that suffered for long due to centralisation of power, moves for perpetuation in power and subverting of the system for the individual or the coterie.
People of this country knew only despotic rule, killings, counter-killings, suspension of civil and political liberties and an assortment of other ills always harassed them . For the last sixteen years they have been experiencing authoritarian governance, moves toward dynastic ambition of political leaders and a culture of looting people's resources or kleptocracy as it is called under a false garb of democracy, But refreshing and welcome changes in these respects are noted under the present caretaker government. This government's actions has led to sea changes in the political arena. People in general may not quite realise it yet, but politics is gradually on the way to acquiring accountability and transparency and the benefits thereof from the activities of the present interim or caretaker government.
No single individual can now force the nation to blindly carry out his or her imperious will. There are now limitations on leaders and their actions. The courts are increasingly feeling their power in restraining arbitrary governmental and individual actions.
Thus, the point of hope is that the factors and institutions for democracy, political stability, democratic governance and good governance are building up in Bangladesh. It is the responsibility of every conscious citizen of this country to carry this process to a fruition.