
Country\\\'s reputation at stake

Adnan Abdullah | Saturday, 18 January 2014

Literally, politically and culturally Bangladeshi people were rich. The Bengali culture had been friendly, hospitable, cooperative and helpful for a long period of time. When we hear the songs of Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore or of Nazrul Islam we feel emotional, humble and amiable. The characteristics of the majority people of this area were noble, kind-hearted and adorable. During the liberation of war we found the people of Bangladesh to be very helpful, kind and emotional and they whole-heartedly helped the people, the freedom fighters by all means. We found the people of the country to be very happy with the resources what they had, the crime rates were very low, killings and murders rarely happened in this country.
Surprisingly, what do we see now in Bangladesh? What has happened to the people? People are fighting, killing each other in brought daylight as if in a battle field.  But why? What for? People are engaged with brutality, in destroying public and private properties for political causes! What makes the people of the country change radically, emotionally from the culture of hospitality, friendliness to ferocious, furious and brutal? Who can answer these questions? Who is responsible for the deterioration of the uncontrolled situation? Who can help restore peace, tranquillity, discipline and justice in the country? We notice from the media that some known freedom fighters of Bangladesh lamented for the present political turmoil and blood-shed in Bangladesh questioning 'Did we fight for the country to go astray like this?'
A serious political impasse is going on in the country and it has reached its highest peak during the last few weeks. Dozens of people got killed, hundreds of people got injured - some are seriously - fighting on the death-beds in the impoverished hospitals. Nowadays the world is an electronic one. What's happening in any part of the world is caught by the electronic media and within minutes this is transmitted throughout the whole world. People can read the newspapers, magazines of different countries sitting at home or at office. Whatever happens in Bangladesh is immediately flashed in the whole world and people of the world are watching Bangladesh's political cynicism, conflicts, killings and brutalities. These happenings definitely undermine the credibility, reputation, status of the country to a great extent. The image of the country will be at stake which will directly or indirectly affect the international economic activities negatively.
It's a shame for the Bangladeshi nationals that the leaders, statesmen and representatives of international organizations like UNO, Commonwealth and some foreign countries are visiting the country to mitigate, to settle down the present political impasse like the backward Sub-Saharan African countries. It's worth mentioning that Bangladeshi personnel from the Army and Police are engaged with the jobs of UN peacekeepers in many conflicting and politically unstable countries but unfortunately Bangladesh has become a "tower inferno" created due to ongoing political trauma. Political transition takes place in every country as per the constitution and in most of the countries the transition takes place peacefully except few underdeveloped and developing countries like Bangladesh where transition of power or change of government takes place in a violent and turbulent way. History tells us that this happens due to absence of rule of law, qualities of leaders, proper judiciary systems, rampant corruption, use of government administrative machinery by the ruling parties for grabbing powers, absence of freedom of express, misuse of laws and constitution of the land for personal and political gains. The last but not the least is the absence of consciousness of the mass people.
The constitution of Bangladesh clearly says that the constitution and the country belong to the people, not to the politicians or to the political leaders. It's obvious that the government which is the custodian of the country needs to realise the gravity of the situation and bring peace in the country, keep the country's interest on the top, retain the reputation, goodwill of the country at the international level. It will take ages to regain the state reputation and goodwill if these are lost due to abnormal behaviour of the political leaders.
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