
Kushtia's Meherpur

Cucumber farming doomed to failure for adulterated seeds

Sunday, 11 August 2024

PABNA, Aug 10: Cucumber farmers in Meherpur district of greater Kushtia are set to suffer a crop failure this season upon using seeds that came out to be adulterated.
Although the trees have already come into leaves and flowers in abundance, cucumbers are yet to come in sight.
The farmers planted seedlings in their fields thinking that they were of local varieties from various seed banks of the village, but after the cultivation those were found to be hybrid.
Farmers have become depressed as they may be deprived of the fair price due to the possible failure in cucumber yield.
Growers informed the FE that they have spent largely in cultivation taking loans in the hope of profit from cucumber sale.
They expected to get a good price of cucumbers during this rainy season. But all their hopes were raised to the ground.
Because of adulterated seeds, the loft is full of foliage and flowers, but there are no cucumbers in it yet.
Last year, 1.5 to 2.00 maunds of cucumbers were available per week in the fields, this year 15 to 20 kgs of cucumbers are available.
Milan Hossain, a farmer of Garabaria village of Gangni upazila said, "I have planted the rocket variety of cucumber on one bigha of land. I collected seeds from a shop in Meherpur town."
He added, "The shopkeeper promised that the cucumbers would be of the indigenous variety. I have been tending the plants for four months hoping to get good cucumbers. Crop was supposed to come in our trees long ago. But cucumber is not growing yet."
"With such a small yield, it is difficult to make a profit. Our expenses cannot be raised.
Making loft, land preparation and using seeds per bigha of land cost about Tk 20,000 to Tk25,000," he continued.
Cucumber is being sold at Tk 30 to Tk 40 per kg at the local markets.

Ishadul Islam of Garabaria village said, "I've bought Loknath variety cucumber seeds from Saharul shop in Garabaria market. I have spent Tk20,000 per bigha of land. After spending, it is time to sell cucumbers. Now I see that cucumber is not growing on the trees. Even if you see one or two, it is of a hybrid variety. It is very difficult to sell this type of cucumber in Meherpur. Nobody wants to take it. Also, the price is low."
Tajim Uddin of the same village grows summer species cucumbers every year.
He cultivated cucumber on three bighas of land this summer and suffered the same fate.
There are trees in the field but cucumbers are not growing.
Cucumber growers Meherdi, Akash and Kalu Sheikh said they worked day and night to cultivate summer variety cucumbers in the hope of a big profit.
They also spent extra money to get a better yield. But during the production, they found the seeds to be adulterated. They felt cheated as the seeds were claimed to be of the native variety but were lastly found to be highbred variety.
The cucumbers produced in the district every year are meeting the demand of the local people. A huge amount of money is earned by sending them to various big cities including Dhaka, Barisal, Sylhet and Rajshahi. But due to lack of cucumber yield this year, it is not possible to meet the demand of the local people.
Deputy Director of the Department of Agricultural Extension, Meherpur, Bijay Krishna Halder told the FE that in the current year, 60 hectares of land was brought under cucumber farming in different areas of the district.
The DAE set a target to produce 1,800 tonnes of cucumber in the district.
Farmers got a good yield and profit from cucumber production last year.
"No farmer has complained to us about adulterated seeds. Action will be taken if complaints are received," said the deputy director.
"However, due to adverse weather conditions, cucumber pods may fail. I have heard that many trees are having enough flowers, but pods are dropping. We continue to provide various advices to farmers," he added.
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