
Dacoits loot cash, valuables

Tuesday, 12 June 2007

SYLHET, June 11 (UNB): Two daring robberies were committed in Rauthkhai and Kashipur villages of Balaganj Upazila early Saturday.
In Rauthkhai village, armed robbers looted cash and other valuables from the house of a Saudi expatriate.
The police said a gang of masked bandits stormed into the house of Ahad Mia at about 1:30 am and looted cash Tk 10,000, 30 tolas of gold ornaments, mobile phone sets and other valuables tying up the house-inmates at gunpoint. Later, they decamped with the booties safely.
In Kashipur village, another gang of armed bandits stormed into the house of Umar Ali at about 2:30 am and looted cash Tk 0.2 million, seven tolas of gold ornaments and other valuables keeping the house members hostage at gunpoint. Later, they fled away with the booties. The police visited the two spots. Separate cases were filed with the Balaganj thana.